Home Security


Tutorials related to server and web security. On this category you will find out everything you need to know about how to setup security options for your web hosting.

What is a Local Attack? Local Attack is a very common method used to attack a particular website on the same server. The tool of this attack is to use exploit code written in several programming languages ​​such as PHP, ASP.Net, Python ... That code is called Shell. When a server...
Increased use of cryptography on the Web resonates with the fact that Google has issued security alerts to all websites without SSL certificates, and is considered a priority on search engines. That creates the effect of promoting webmasters to apply because they do not want to fall behind competitors...
Login Lockdown (LL) plugin records the IP address and time each time a logon failure occurs. After a number of attempts, LL will temporarily lock the corresponding IP range for a period of time (also set by you in the Admin Dashboard), and the login function will be temporarily...